p/s: dear customers and agents, free pos express was provided for every purchase of GEO LENS series. However, post office officer just informed us that pos express can no longer be used to deliver contact lens. Only pos laju is allowed.
Therefore, the postage cost will be separated.
Origanal psotage cost for post laju was RM6 (WM) and RM8(EM)
But the good news is, we'll cover half of the postage cost for every purchase.
In other words, for pos laju, you only have to add RM3 for WM and RM6 for EM
any inquiry, can email us at theblank0207@gmail.com
GEO 2/3 TONES = RM28
GEO Super X Series(14.8mm) = RM30
GEO Xtra Series (15mm) = 32
Animation Lens = 37